
Vanessa is a playable hero in The Bazaar.


Vanessa is all about aggression and damage. Her primary playstyle revolves around getting a lot of Weapons and dealing more damage than your opponent can even imagine to have Health. Cannonade is a good example: having a lot of small Weapons results in triggering it a bunch of times. There is a sub-archetype in this playstyle, revolving around having only one Weapon and beefing it up. This includes items like Sniper Rifle and Silencer.

Vanessa also has a very different possible playstyle from this, however: Control/Aquatic. Based around slowing your opponent down while building up Poison with, for example Tripwire and Catfish, or buying time to use heavy-hitting, but slow items like The Boulder or the Dam, this playstyle of Vanessa's makes her a versatile hero ideal for people who are just getting into The Bazaar.


For a detailed list, check out Vanessa Items.


For a detailed work-in-progress list, check out Vanessa Skills.