Stelle Skills

SpriteNameEffectsStarting TierTypes
Icon Skill DOO AdvancedSynthetics.pngAdvanced SyntheticsWhen you Level Up, upgrade a Bronze-tier / Silver-tier item.Gold
Icon Skill Alacrity.pngAlacrityThe first 5 times you Crit each fight, charge an item Charge.png2.0 / 3.0 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill CaptainsDue.pngArbitrageWhen you win a fight against a player, gain 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 gold.Bronze
Icon Skill ArtillerySpotter.pngArtillery SpotterIf you have 4 or fewer items, your items have +10 / 20% Crit Chance.Gold
Icon Skill BackupDefenses.pngBackup DefensesThe first time you fall below half health each fight, Shield equal to 20 / 30% of your Max Health.Gold
Icon Skill BalanceSpecialist.pngBalanced SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% crit chance if you have 2 or more medium items.Silver
Icon Skill BalanceWorkout.pngBalanced WorkoutYou have +?Max Health for each Medium item you have.Bronze
Icon Skill BigGuns.pngBig GunsDouble the damage of your Large weapons.DiamondWeapon
Icon Skill BigNumbers.pngBig NumbersYour large items have +20 / 40% crit chanceSilver
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngBuckle Up!Reduce your Vehicles' cooldowns by 10 / 15%.GoldVehicle
Icon Skill BuildingCrescendo.pngBuilding CrescendoWhen you use an item, your items gain 10 / 15% crit chance for the fight.
Your items have 50% less crit chance.
Icon Skill BurningShield.pngBurning ShieldYour rightmost item has +10 / 20 / 30 Shield if it is a Shield item and +3 / 6 / 9 Burn if it is a Burn item.Silver
Icon Skill CaptainsCharge.pngCaptain's ChargeThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Haste adjacent items for Haste.png4 / 8 / 12 second(s).Silver
Icon Skill ClosingSpeed.pngClosing SpeedYour rightmost item has its cooldown reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill CommandShip.pngCommand ShipIf you have a vehicle, reduce your non-vehicle items' cooldowns by 5%.
If you have a vehicle, reduce your non-vehicle items' cooldowns by 10%.
Icon Skill ConcentratedDefense.pngConcentrated DefenseYour highest Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill ConcentratedFirepower.pngConcentrated FirepowerYour highest damage weapon deals +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill ConcentratedFlame.pngConcentrated FlameYour highest Burn item has +4 / 7 / 10 / 13 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ConcentratedVenom.pngConcentrated VenomYour highest poison item has +2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Poison.Bronze
Icon Skill Conflagration.pngConflagrationWhen you use an item with Burn, that item gains 1 / 2 Burn for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill CreepingChill.pngCreeping ChillThe first time you Slow each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill CriticalCaptain.pngCritical CaptainThe first time you use a Large item each fight, give your items +4 / 8 / 12 / 16% Crit Chance for the fight.Bronze
Icon Skill DeadlyEye.pngDeadly EyeYour Weapons have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skills Defender.pngDefenderYou have +? / ? / ? / ? Health and your Shield items have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 %.Bronze
Icon Skill DefenseGrid.pngDefense GridAt the start of each fight, gain shield equal to 25 / 50 / 57% of your max health.
When you use an item, lose 10% of your current shield.
Icon Skill DefensiveWeapons.pngDefensive StanceWhen you use a weapon, your Shield items gain 20 / 30 Shield for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngDelayed BurnYour slowest Burn item has + Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill DesperateStrike.pngDesperate StrikeWhile you have less health than your opponent, your items gain 15 / 25% Crit Chance.Gold
Icon Skill PlatinumHeart.pngDiamond-tier HeartYou have +? Max Health for each Diamond-tier item you have.Gold
Icon Skill DOO NumberOneStunner.pngElectrified HullWhen your Shield is damaged, deal 50 / 100% damage back to the enemy.Gold
Icon Skill EmergencyBurn.pngEmergency BurnThe first time you fall below half health each fight, Burn Burn.png10 / 15 / 20 / 25.Bronze
Icon Skill ThickShield.pngEmergency ShieldThe first time you fall below half health each fight, use your highest Shield item.Diamond
Icon Skill Flagship.pngExpert PilotYour Shield Vehicles gain 30 / 60% Shield.
Your Weapon Vehicles gain 30 / 60% Damage.
Icon Skill Fiery.pngFieryYour Burn items have +1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FinalFlame.pngFinal FlameYour rightmost Burn item has +4 / 6 / 8 / 10 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FinesseShield.pngFinesse ShieldWhile your enemy has more health than you, your Shield items have their cooldowns reduced by 10 / 20%.Gold
Icon Skill FinesseWeapon.pngFinesse WeaponWhen your Weapons gain Haste, if it already has Haste, it gains +Poison.png6 damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill FirstDegreeBurn.pngFirst Degree BurnsYour Small Burn items have +1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FirstFlames.pngFirst FlamesThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Burn Burn.png5 / 10 / 15 / 20.Bronze
Icon Skill FirstStrike.pngFirst StrikeYour items have +30 / 50% Crit Chance.
When you use an item, all your items lose 10% crit chance for the fight.
Icon Skill FlankingCriticals.pngFlanking CriticalsThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Adjacent items gain 15 / 20 / 25% Crit Chance for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill FlankingFire.pngFlanking FireThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Adjacent items gain 7 / 10 / 13 Burn for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill FlankingShield.pngFlanking ShieldThe first time you use a Large item each fight, adjacent Shield items gain 15 / 30 / 50 Shield for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill FlankingShots.pngFlanking ShotsThe first time you use a Large item each fight, adjacent weapons gain 15 / 30 / 50 Damage for the fight.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill FlashyMechanic.pngFlashy MechanicWhen you use a Tool, items adjacent to it gain 5 / 10% Crit chance.GoldTool
Icon Skill FlashyPilot.pngFlashy PilotWhen you use a Vehicle, your items gain 15 / 30% Crit chance.GoldVehicle
Icon Skill ExtraArms.pngFlurry of BlowsWhen you use a weapon, haste another weapon Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill FrontalShielding.pngFrontal ShieldingYour leftmost Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill Frostfire.pngFrostfireThe first time you Burn each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill FireAccelerant.pngFrozen FlamesWhen your items gain Freeze, Burn Burn.png4 / 8 / 12 / 16.Bronze
Icon Skill GlassCannon.pngGlass CannonBoth players' weapons have double damage.DiamondWeapon
Icon Skill GreaseFire.pngGrease FireWhen you use a tool, Burn Burn.png3 / 5.GoldTool
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngGreen LightAt the start of each fight, give all your vehicles haste for Haste.png4 / 6 second(s).GoldVehicle
Icon Skill HardenedShield.pngHardened ShieldWhen your enemy uses a Weapon, your Shield items gain 10 / 20 Shield for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill HardlyWorkin.pngHardly Workin'When you Slow, gain 2 / 4 Regeneration for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill Hearty.pngHeartyYou have +? Max Health.Bronze
Icon Skill HeatShield.pngHeat ShieldWhen you Burn, gain Shield equal to 1x / 2x that item's Burn.Gold
Icon Skill HeavyFirepower.pngHeavy FirepowerYour slowest weapon has +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill HeavyMettle.pngHeavy MettleYour Shield items have +Shield equal to 1x / 2x 3x your level.Silver
Icon Skill HeavyShielding.pngHeavy ShieldingYour Large Shield items have +12 / 36 / 72 / 120 shield.Bronze
Icon Skill HeavyWeaponry.pngHeavy WeaponryYour Large Weapons deal +12 / 36 / 72 / 120 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill HonedArcenal.pngHoned ArsenalYour items have +% Crit Chance per Weapon you have.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill HonedStrike.pngHoned StrikeWhen you Crit with an item, it gains +5 / 10% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill HotSpot.pngHot SpotWhen you use your leftmost item, Burn Burn.png2 / 3 / 4.Silver
Icon Skill FireStarter.pngImmolating SparkYour leftmost Burn item has +4 / 6 / 8 / 10 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ImprovisedBurn.pngImprovised BurnWhen you Crit, your Burn items gain 2 / 3 Burn for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill ImprovisedProtection.pngImprovised ProtectionWhen you Crit, your Shield items gain 10 / 20 Shield for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill ImprovisedWeaponry.pngImprovised WeaponryWhen you Crit, your weapons gain 10 / 20 Damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill InvigoratingCold.pngInvigorating ColdThe first time you freeze each fight, Haste your items for Haste.png3 / 5 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill KeenEye.pngKeen EyeYour items have +3 / 6 / 9 / 12% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill KnifeTricks.pngKnife TricksWhen you use a weapon, reduce its cooldown by 5% for the fight.DiamondWeapon
Icon Skill LargeAppetites.pngLarge AppetitesIf you have 4 or fewer items, you have +? Max Health.Gold
Icon Skill LargeItemSpecialist.pngLarge Item SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% Crit Chance if you have a large item.Silver
Icon Skill LeftEyeDominant.pngLeft EyeYour leftmost item has +5 / 10 / 15 / 20% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill LeftHanded.pngLeft-HandedYour leftmost Weapon deals +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Lethargy.pngLethargyAll items have a cooldown increase of 30%.
All items have a cooldown increase of 50%.
Icon Skill Lifting.pngLiftingWhen you buy a Weapon, give your other Weapons +3 / 6 / 9 damage.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill LivingFlame.pngLiving FlameThe first time you fall below half health each fight, your Burn items have their cooldowns reduced by 50% for the fight.Diamond
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngMaster MechanicWhen you upgrade an item, gain 1.0 exp.Gold
Icon Skill Microfiber.pngMicrofiberYour Small Shield items have +3 / 9 / 18 / 30 shield.Bronze
Icon Skill MiddleOfThePack.pngMiddle of the PackYour Medium items have their cooldowns reduced by 2 / 4 / 6 / 8%.Bronze
Icon Skill MixedMessage.pngMixed MessageWhen you use a non-Weapon item, a Weapon gains Haste for Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill MultiTargetLock.pngMulti-Target LockYour Small items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill NetLauncher.pngNet LauncherThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Slow 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 item for Slow.png5 / 5 / 5 / 5 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill NoisyCricket.pngNoisy CricketYour fastest weapon has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Outmaneuver.pngOutmaneuverWhen you Slow, Haste a vehicle for Haste.png2 / 4 second(s).GoldVehicle
Icon Skill PeacefulEye.pngPeaceful EyeYour Non-Weapon items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill PolePosition.pngPole PositionYour leftmost item has its cooldown reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickDefenses.pngQuick DefensesYour Shield items have their cooldowns reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickFix.pngQuick FixYour Non-Weapon items with cooldowns greater than 10 seconds have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill QuickFreeze.pngQuick FreezeThe first time you Haste each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill RapidProtection.pngQuick ProtectionYour fastest Shield item has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickDraw.pngQuicken WeaponsYour Weapons with cooldowns greater than 10 seconds have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill Re-Tooled.pngRe-TooledYour leftmost Tool has Multicast.DiamondTool
Icon Skill ReachingTheSummit.pngReaching the SummitWhen you Freeze, your items gain +2 / 4% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill RearShielding.pngRear ShieldingYour rightmost Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill RedEnvelope.pngRed EnvelopeWhen you buy this, gain 10.0 gold.Bronze
Icon Skill ReelEmIn.pngReel 'Em InThe first time your opponent falls below half health each fight, your items have their cooldowns reduced by 50% for the fight.Diamond
Icon Skill ReserveShield.pngReserve ShieldThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Shield equal to 10 / 20 / 30% of your max health.Silver
Icon Skill RetalitoryToxins.pngRetaliatory ToxinsThe first time you fall below half health each fight, Poison Poison.png7 / 10 / 13 / 16.Bronze
Icon Skill RightEyeDominant.pngRight EyeYour rightmost item has +5 / 10 / 15 / 20% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill RightHanded.pngRight-HandedYour rightmost Weapon has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Sabotage.pngSabotageWhen you use a tool, Slow an item for Slow.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldTool
Icon Skill ScopedShot.pngScoped ShotYour Medium items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill SearingBlade.pngSearing BladeYour leftmost item has +10 / 20 / 30 Damage if it is a Weapon and +3 / 6 / 9 Burn if it is a Burn item.Silver
Icon Skill SecondDegreeBurns.pngSecond Degree BurnsYour Medium Burn items have +2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill SharpCorners.pngSharp CornersWhen you Shield, your weapons gain 20 / 30 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill Shatter.pngShatterWhen you freeze, give your Weapons +10 / 15 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill Conditioning.pngShield BashWhen your enemy uses a non-weapon item, deal Special Damage Icon.png10 / 20 damage.Gold
Icon Skill SlowandSteady.pngSlow and SteadyWhen you Slow, your weapons gain 3 / 6 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill SlowBurn.pngSlow BurnYour slowest Burn item has +5 / 7 / 9 / 11 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill SlowedTargets.pngSlowed TargetsWhen you Slow, your items gain +2 / 3% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill SmallGains.pngSmall GainsYou have +? / ? / ? / ? Max Health for each small item you have.Bronze
Icon Skill SmallSpecialist.pngSmall Item SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% crit chance if you have 4 or more small items.Silver
Icon Skill SmallWeaponry.pngSmall WeaponryYour Small Weapons deal +3 / 9 / 18 / 30 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Specialist.pngSpecialistIf you have exactly 1 weapon, your Shield items have +10 / 20 / 30 shield.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill Speed.pngSpeedYour items have their cooldowns reduced by 2 / 3 / 4 / 5%.Bronze
Icon Skill StandardOrdinance.pngStandard OrdnanceYour Medium Weapons deal +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill StandardizedDefences.pngStandardized DefensesYour Medium Shield items have +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 shield.Bronze
Icon Skill StaticAcceleration.pngStatic AccelerationWhen you Haste, give your items +1 / 2% crit chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill SteadyDefender.pngSteady DefenderYour slowest Shield item has +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill StoutFire.pngStout FireYou have +? / ? / ? Health and your Burn items have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4%.Silver
Icon Skill Strenght.pngStrengthYour Weapons deal +2 / 6 / 12 / 20 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill SwordandBoard.pngSword and BoardYour leftmost item has +10 / 20 / 30 Damage if is a Weapon and +10 / 20 / 30 Shield if it is a Shield item.Silver
Icon Skill TheBestDefence.pngThe Best DefenseWhen you use a weapon, give weapons adjacent to it +4 / 8 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill ThirdDegreeBurns.pngThird Degree BurnsYour Large Burn items have +4 / 8 / 12 / 16 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ToolsOFTheTrade.pngTools of the TradeWhen you use a tool, a Tool gains haste for Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldTool
Icon Skill TracerFire.pngTracer FireWhen you burn, your items gain +2 / 3% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill VengefulStrike.pngVengeful StrikeYour Weapons' Cooldowns are reduced by %.Silver
Icon Skill Warrior.pngWarriorYour Weapons deal +1 / 3 / 6 / 10 Damage.
You have +? Max Health.
Icon Skill STE WorkinHard.pngWorkin' HardYour weapons have + Damage for each Tool you have.GoldWeapon, Tool