The Bazaar Patch Notes

Stay up-to-date with the latest buffs, nerfs, and balance changes to The Bazaar

Patch 0.1.4: January 8th, 2025


  • Level Up structure revamped to consist largely of fixed options
  • Most Skills will now be obtained via Level Up
  • Skill Trainers with the exception of Grandmaster, Nufu, and Zurphin's Safari have been removed from the regular encounter pool
  • Skill Trainers with the exception of Grandmaster, Nufu, and Zurphin's Safari now offer Free Skills
  • Skills, when not available for free, now cost 5/10/20/40 gold (up from 3/6/12/24)
  • Rerolls added to all Merchants and Trainers and costs now vary based on the Merchant's tier (2/4/6/8)
  • Skill Trainers now offer 3 skills instead of 4
  • Aerodrome no longer spawns the removed trainers
  • Pearl's Dig Site is now an Encounter instead of a Merchant
  • Serafina now allows multiple purchases
  • Start of Run item pool no longer contains Large items
  • Monster Ranch is now Gold-tier (up from Silver) and offers 1 free item from a selection of 5 items
  • Sterling has been renamed to Silvia
  • Silvia (Silver-tier item Merchant, formerly Sterling) is tired of people not buying Silver Large items and no longer spawns on Day 1
  • Elder Tuskari has been renamed to Mr. Tuskari
  • Snack Time has been reduced to 20 Max HP per level instead of 25
  • Restorative and Shielded on many items have been updated to better map to the item’s base effects (for example, a Restorative Shielded item will Heal equal to its Shield)
  • Grandmaster and B1&B2 will no longer offer options that aren’t upgrades
  • Barkun now buys Small items at +1 value
  • Midsworth now buys Medium items at +2 value
  • Quixel now buys Large items at +3 value
  • “Add It to Your Bushel” now upgrades the player’s Bushel


  • Haddy has arrived! Spin the wheel for a prize
  • Replays and Recaps enabled
    • Replay: You can now watch a replay of the battle after combat
    • Recap: You can now see the stats for your items after combat


  • Monster HP has been reduced on a number of monsters
  • Veteran Octopus now has 8888 HP (up from 4200)
  • Retiree (Monster) has traded in one of his Succulents for some Bandages
  • Sparring Partner disabled pending rework and optimization
  • Frost Street Champion and Wandering Shoal reenabled
  • Robo-Bouncer has been renamed to Bouncertron
  • Boarrior is now a Silver-tier monster with reduced HP and a weaker loadout (down from Gold-tier)
  • Tent City Mayor is now named Trashtown Mayor and is now a Day 5 monster (up from Day 2)


  • Enchantment Updates
    • Heavy Enchantment no longer increases the number of items that are slowed. Those items are now “This has double Slow duration.”
    • Restorative and Shielded enchantments now map to the damage/heal/shield values of the base items if the items already have those output (for example, a Weapon that gains Shielded will Shield equal to the item’s damage)
    • Many enchantments on items have been updated
    • Added new VFX during Item enchantment animation for all enchants.
  • Snowflake has been reverted to giving +1 Freeze Duration
  • Weather Machine now has a cooldown of 5 seconds and its scaling is fixed
  • Sharkray and Chris Army Knife have had their projectiles updated
  • Rivet Gun can now be enchanted with Obsidian and Shiny
  • Butter has been updated:
    • Haste 1 item for [1/2/3/4] second(s)
    • For each adjacent Tool or Food item, this gains +1 Multicast.
    • From:
      • Adjacent Food and Tools gain Haste for 3 second(s)
  • Thurible now starts at Bronze tier:
    • Burn [4/6/8/10] (from When you gain Regeneration, Burn [--/2/3/4].)
    • Gain [1/2/3/4] Regeneration for the fight (from Gain [--/2/4/6] Regeneration for the fight)
  • Venomander now starts at Bronze-tier at a 6-second cooldown (down from 8s) and:
    • Poison [1/2/3/4] (from Poison [--/--/1/2])
    • Gain [1/2/3/4] Regeneration for the fight (from When you use the item to the left of this, gain [--/--/1/2] Regeneration for the fight)
  • Sharpening Stone now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[--/5/10/20] damage (from [3/6/9/12])
  • Extract now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[--/1/2/4] poison (from [1/2/3/4])
  • Cinder now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[--/1/2/4] burn (from [1/2/3/4])
  • Medkit now gives +[5/10/20/40] Heal (from [5/10/15/20])
  • Scrap now gives +[3/6/12/24] Shield (from [4/8/12/16])
  • Mortal Coil now deals 50/100 damage (down from 100/200) and has Lifesteal
  • Sunlight Spear’s cooldown is 5 seconds (down from 6 seconds.)
  • Satchel now starts Silver-tier with a 7-second cooldown (down from 8 seconds.)
  • Cosmic Plumage can now be Enchanted with Deadly
  • Necronomicon now has a cooldown of 4 seconds with:
    • Poison 10.
    • Gain 10 Regeneration for the fight.
    • When any non-weapon is used, charge this 1 second.
    • From:
      • When any non-Weapon item is used, Poison 3 and Gain 3 Regeneration for the fight.
      • Your items have their Cooldowns increased by 1 second.
  • Rivet Gun now starts at Gold-tier
    • Deal [---/-/20/40] Damage (up from 10/20/30)
    • When you use the item to the right of this, Charge the item to the left of this [--/--/1/2] second (from 1/1/2)
  • Neural Toxin now starts Bronze-tier at 6 seconds with:
    • Slow 1 item for 2 second(s) (from [--/1/2/3] seconds.)
    • When you use an adjacent Weapon, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s)
    • From:
      • When you use an adjacent Weapon, use this.
  • Icebreaker deals 80 damage (up from 40.)
  • Venom now has a cooldown of 3 seconds with:
    • Poison 2 (from [--/1/2/3].)
    • When you use an adjacent Weapon, Charge this [-/1/2/3] second(s)
    • From:
      • When you use an adjacent Weapon, use this.
  • Black Rose now starts Bronze-tier with:
    • Heal [10/20/40/80] (from [--/15/30/50].)
    • When you Poison, this gains +[5/10/15/20] Heal for the fight
    • From:
      • When you Poison, Charge this [--/1/2/2] second(s).
  • Earrings now has a cooldown of 5 seconds (down from 6) with:
    • Gain 5 Max Health for the fight (from Slow 1 item for [--/1/2/3] second(s).)
    • When you Slow, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s)
    • From:
      • When you Slow, gain [--/1/2/3] Max Health.
  • Nightshade is now:
    • Poison [2/4/6/8]
      • From Poison [1/2/3/4]
    • When you Heal, this gains +[1/2/3/4] Poison for the fight
      • From Heal [10/20/30/40].
  • Candles is now:
    • Burn 12 (from [2/4/6/8])
    • When you use a small item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s).
  • Pendulum now has a cooldown of 8 seconds (up from 4 seconds) with:
    • Haste your items for 2 second(s)
    • From:
      • When you Crit, Haste an item for [1/2/3/4] second(s)
    • Adjacent items have +[10/20/30/40]% Crit Chance
    • When you Crit, Charge this [1/2/3/4] seconds
  • Fossilized Femur now starts Silver-tier with:
    • Deal 300 Damage (from [--/--/200/400].)
    • When you Slow, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) and this gains +[--/25/50/75 Damage] for the fight (from When you Slow, Charge this [--/--/1/2] second(s).)
  • Ouroboros Statue now starts Silver-tier with:
    • Poison [--/2/4/6] (from [--/--/4/6])
    • When you Poison, gain [--/1/2/3] Regeneration for the fight (from [--/--/1/2] Regeneration)
  • Proboscis now has a Cooldown of 4 seconds
    • Deal 12 damage (from [3/6/9/12] damage.)
    • When you Slow, Charge this [1/2/3/4] seconds.
  • Oven Mitts now has a cooldown of 6 seconds with:
    • Haste an item for 2 second(s) (from [--/1/2/3] seconds.)
    • Shield 10 (from [--/5/10/15].)
    • When you Burn, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from When you burn, Haste.)
  • Sirens is now:
    • Slow 1 item for [--/1/2/3] seconds (from [--/2/4/6] seconds.)
    • Haste an item for [--/1/2/3] seconds (from When you Slow, Haste a Vehicle [--/2/4/6]. second(s).)
    • For each adjacent vehicle, this has +1 Multicast.
  • Propane Tank now has a cooldown of 6 seconds (down from 9 seconds) with:
    • Haste your Vehicles for [--/3/4/5] seconds (from [--/2/3/5] second(s).)
    • Burn both players [--/4/6/8] (from When you use a Vehicle, Burn [2/3/5] second(s).)
    • If you have a Vehicle, at the start of each fight, use this.
  • Cryosleeve now has a cooldown of 6 seconds (up from 3 seconds) with:
    • Freeze this for 2 seconds.
    • Shield [15/30/45/60].
    • When ANY item gains Freeze, Charge this 1 second (from when any item gains Freeze, Shield.)
  • Igloo is now:
    • Freeze 1 item for [-/1/2/3] second(s).
    • Shield [--/50/100/200] shield (from When you Freeze, Shield [20/30/40].)
    • The first time you fall below half HP each fight, use this.
  • Gatling Gun deals [--/--/50/100] Damage (up from [--/--/10/20].)
  • Hydraulic Squeezer is now:
    • Deal [--/30/60/120] damage (from [--/26/59/59].)
    • Your weapons gain [--/3/6/9] damage for the fight.
    • When you use another Tool, charge this 1 second (from you use another Tool, your Weapons gain [--/2/2/4].)
  • Magic Carpet is now:
    • Deal [5/10/20/40] damage (from [4/12/24/40] damage.)
    • When you Crit, this gains +[5/10/15/20] damage for the fight (from [4/12/24/40] damage.])
    • 25% Crit Chance (from [10/20/35/50]% Crit Chance.)
  • Runic Double Bow deals [10/20/40/80] damage (down from [10/30/60/100].)
    • Runic Double Bow has 10% Crit Chance.
  • Runic Great Axe deals [20/40/60/80] damage (from [10/30/60/100].)
    • Your weapons with Lifesteal gain +[20/40/60/80] damage (from [10/30/60/100]) for the fight.
  • Incense’s Cooldown is now 8 seconds (down from 10 seconds.) Incense heals [--/20/40/80] (up from [--/16/24/32].)
  • Basilisk Fang has +[--/--/25/50]% Crit Chance (up from [--/--/10/20]% Crit Chance) while the enemy has Poison.


  • A number of basic skills have been removed, such as ones that buff Small/Medium/Large items, as well as other niche skills that were deemed too situational
  • Desperate Freeze renamed to Desperate Cleanse because it Cleanses and doesn’t Freeze
  • Fiery Rebirth no longer Cleanses or Self-Burns
  • Hypnotic Drain now only counts Lifesteal weapons, as originally intended
  • Corrosive Toxins now starts at Gold-tier and reduces Weapon damage by 2/4 (down from 3/6/9)
  • Heat Shield reenabled after resolving a bug with it
  • Passive Aggressive renamed to Shellshock, with effect of:
    • Your items have +1 damage for each Ammo you have on your items in play.
  • Shored Up is now:
    • When you Heal, Charge a Shield item 1 second (from When you Heal, Shield 100)
  • Void Energy is now:
    • When you Burn, Charge a Shield item 1 second (from When you Burn, your Shield items gain 3 Shield the fight)
  • Equivalent Exchange is now:
    • When you Heal, Charge a Poison item 1 second (from When you Heal, Poison 1)
  • Sick Burn is now:
    • When you Poison, Charge a Burn item 1 second (from When you Poison, Burn)
  • Toxicity now starts at Silver-tier and gives [--/5/10/15] damage for the fight when you Poison (up from 3/6)
  • Shatter now starts at Silver-tier and gives [--/10/15/20] damage for the fight when you Freeze (up from 10/15)
  • Workin' Hard is now:
    • Your weapons have +[7/14] Damage for each Tool you have (from Your weapons have +[4/8] Damage for each Tool you have)
  • Arms Dealer now triggers on Buy instead of Sell and gives [20/30/40/50] (up from [10/20/30/40])
  • Bold under Pressure now starts at Silver-tier and Hastes [--/2/4/6] items for 2 seconds when you fall below half health
  • Stop That! now starts at Silver-tier and Slows [--/2/4/6] items for 2 seconds when you fall below half health
  • Iron Sharpens Iron now starts at Silver-tier and scales by [--/2/3/4] damage
  • Critical Investments now gives +[--/10/15/20]% Crit chance (up from [--/8/10/12].)
  • Command Ship now starts at Silver-tier and gives [10/15/20]% Cooldown reduction (up from 5/10%)
  • Shield Bash is now:
    • When your enemy uses a non-weapon item, charge a weapon 1 second (from When your enemy uses a non-weapon item, deal damage)
  • Heavy Mettle is now +Shield equal to 2x/3x/4x your level (up from 1x/2x/3x)
  • Ice Bullets now only reloads Weapons
  • Poisonous Opener now starts at Silver-tier at Poison [--/10/15/20] (from Poison [3/5/9/11])
  • First Flames now starts at Silver-tier at Burn [--/10/15/20] (from Poison [5/10/15/20])
  • Net Launcher now starts at Silver-tier at Slow [--/2/3/4] targets for 2 seconds (from [1/2/3/4] targets for 5 seconds)
  • Captain’s Charge now starts at Silver-tier at Haste [--/2/3/4] targets for 2 seconds (from [1/2/3/4] targets for 5 seconds)
  • Strength now gives +[10/15/20/25] Damage (up from 2/6/12/20)
  • Left-Handed and Right-Handed are now +[20/30/40/50] Damage (up from 4/12/20/24)
  • Toughness now gives +[10/15/20/25] Shield (up from 2/6/12/20)
  • Frontal Shielding and Rear Shielding are now +[20/30/40/50] Shield (up from 4/12/20/24)
  • Heal Power now gives +[10/20/30/40] Heal (up from 3/9/18/30)
  • First Responder and Follow Up Care are now +[20/35/50/65] Heal (up from 6/18/36/60)
  • Fiery now gives +[2/4/6/8] Burn (up from 1/2/3/4)
  • Immolating Spark and Final Flame are now +[3/6/9/12] Burn (up from 4/6/8/10)
  • Improved Toxins now gives +[2/4/6/8] Poison (up from 1/2/3/4)
  • Initial Dose and Final Dose are now +[3/6/9/12] Poison (up from 2/4/6/8)
  • Keen Eye now gives +[4/8/12/16]% Crit Chance (up from 3/6/9/12)
  • Critical Protector and Critical Aid now gives +[5/10/15/20]% Crit Chance (up from 3/6/9/12)
  • Deadly Eye and Peaceful Eye now gives +[5/10/15/20]% Crit Chance (up from 4/8/12/16)
  • Left Eye and Right Eye now give +[8/16/24/32]% Crit Chance (up from 5/10/15/20)
  • Large Appetites now starts at Silver-tier, giving +[500/1000/2000] Max Health (from --/1000/2000)
  • Artillery Spotter now starts at Silver-tier, giving +[5/10/20]% Crit Chance (from --/10/20)
  • Long Strides now starts at Silver-tier, giving +[4/8/12]% Crit Chance (from --/5/10)
  • Berserker, Finesse Shield, and Rapid Relief now start at Silver-tier, giving +[5/10/20]% reduced cooldowns (from --/5/10)
  • Hardened Shield now gives +[5/10/15] Shield (up from 3/6/9)
  • Beautiful Friendship now gives +[3/6] damage (up from 2/4)
  • Reinforced Steel now starts at Silver-tier and gives [5/10/15] damage/shield (up from --/5/10)
  • Submerged now gives +[3/6/9] damage (up from 2/4/6)
  • The Best Defense now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[3/6/9] damage (from 4/8)
  • Emergency Burn now starts at Silver-tier and gives [20/30/40] Burn (from 10/15/20/25)
  • Retaliatory Toxins now starts at Silver-tier and gives [20/30/40] Poison (from 7/10/13/16)
  • Flashy Reload now starts at Diamond-tier and reloads 1 ammo
  • Desperate Strike now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[10/20/30]% Crit Chance (from 15/25)
  • Flashy Pilot now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[10/20/30]% Crit Chance (from 15/30)
  • Flashy Mechanic now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[3/6/9]% Crit Chance (from 5/10)
  • Improvised Burn now gives +[1/2] Burn (down from 2/3)
  • Slowed Targets now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[1/2/3]% Crit Chance (from 2/3)
  • Exposing Toxins now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[1/2/3]% Crit Chance (from 2/3)
  • Tracer Fire now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[1/2/3]% Crit Chance (from 2/3)
  • Improvised Protection now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[5/10/15] Shield (from 10/20)
  • Improvised Heal now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[10/20/30] Heal (from 10/20)
  • Improvised Weaponry now starts at Silver-tier and gives +[5/10/15] Damage (from 10/20)
  • Rapid Thaw re-enabled and now starts at Silver-tier, reducing Freeze by [2/3/4] seconds (up from 1 second at Diamond-only)
  • Paralytic Poison, Stunning Strike, Frostfire, Creeping Chill and Quick Freeze now starts at Silver-tier, Freezing for [3/4/5] seconds (down from 3/4/5/6)


  • Port drops items equal to its tier again, as well as cross-hero items
    • No longer gives +Max Ammo
    • Reload is now [--/1/2/3] Ammo instead of [1/1/1]
  • Life Preserver re-enabled
  • Pufferfish re-enabled and is now:
    • 8-second cooldown base (up from 6s)
    • Poison 6 (from [3/6/9/12])
    • When you Haste, charge this [1/2/3/4] seconds (from 3s flat)
  • The Boulder now starts at Gold tier with 20/16 seconds cooldown
  • Barrel now starts at Silver-tier with Shield 5/10/20/40 and Shield self-buff of 5/10/15/20
  • Turtle Shell is now 6s CD with:
    • Shields 10
    • Give your Shield items +10 Shield for the fight
    • When you use a non-Weapon item, Charge this 1/2/3 seconds
  • Cannonade is now 6s CD with:
    • Deal 100 damage
    • When you use a weapon, Charge this 1/2/3 seconds
  • Electric Eels is now 6s CD with:
    • Deal 25 damage
    • Slow 1 item for 2 seconds
    • When your enemy uses an item, Charge this 1/2/3 seconds
  • Illusory can now be enchanted with Deadly
  • Switchblade deals [15/30/60/120] damage (up from [10/20/40/80].)
  • Blunderbuss is now:
    • Deal 100 Damage (from [--/--/50/100] Damage.)
    • When you Burn, Charge this [--/--/1/2] second(s) (from 3 seconds.)
  • Double Barrel deals [20/40/60/160] damage (up from [15/30/60/120].)
  • Seaweed now starts Bronze-tier and is:
    • Heal [10/20/40/80] (from Heal 20.)
    • When you use an Aquatic item, this gains +[5/10/15/20] heal for the fight (up from [--/5/10/15])
  • Sextant now has a cooldown of 4 seconds and is:
    • Haste 1 item for 3 seconds (from When you Crit, Haste 1 item for [--/1/2/3] second(s).)
    • Adjacent items have +[--/15/30/50]% Crit Chance.
    • When you Crit, charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s).
  • Incendiary Rounds now has a cooldown of 6 seconds with:
    • Burn 3 (from 2.)
    • When you use an adjacent item, charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from Adjacent items have +1 Ammo.)
  • Lighthouse now starts Silver-tier with:
    • Burn 12 (from [--/--/8/12].)
    • When you Slow, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from 3 seconds.)
  • Trebuchet is now:
    • Cooldown is 10s (up from 8s)
    • Deal 50 Damage (from [25/50/100/200] Damage.)
    • Burn 7 (from [8/12/16/20].)
    • When you use a Weapon or Haste, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Throwing Knives now starts Silver-tier at 3 seconds (up from 2 seconds) with:
    • Deal 33 Damage (from [5/10/20/40].)
    • When you Crit with another item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Waterwheel now has a cooldown of 8 seconds with:
    • Haste your other items for 2 seconds (from [--/1/2/3] second(s).)
    • When you use an adjacent item, charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) from 3 seconds.
  • Captain’s Wheel is now:
    • Haste adjacent items for 2 second(s) (from [--/1/2/3] second(s).)
    • When you use a Vehicle or Large item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)
  • Pearl is now:
    • Shield 20 (from [10/20/30/40].)
    • When you use another Aquatic item, charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Astrolabe is now:
    • Shield 20 (from [--/20/40/80].)
    • Haste a non-weapon item for 2 second(s) (from When you use a non-Weapon, Haste it for [--/1/2/3] second(s).)
    • When you use another non-weapon item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] seconds.
  • Catfish now has a cooldown of 5 seconds (up from 3 seconds).
  • Tripwire now starts Bronze-tier at 5 seconds with:
    • Slow 1 item for 1 second(s).
    • When your enemy uses an item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from When your enemy uses an item, Slow it for 1 second(s).)
  • Ballista deals [--/--/100/200] damage (up from [--/--/75/150].)
  • Dam now starts Gold-tier at 24 seconds (up from 20 seconds) with:
    • Destroy this and ALL smaller items.
    • When you use an Aquatic item, charge this [--/--1/2] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Sharkray now starts Silver-tier:
    • Deal [--/10/20/40] damage (from [--/--/20/40] Damage.)
    • When this gains Haste, this gains +[--/10/20/40] damage for the fight (from +[--/--/20/40] Damage.)
  • Crow’s Nest now gives your Weapons +[20/40/60/80]% Crit Chance (down from [25/50/75/100]%.)
  • Grappling Hook’s cooldown is now 6 seconds (down from 7 seconds.)


  • Luxury Tents re-enabled
  • Beehive re-enabled after fixing a bug where it was charging all items instead of just bees
  • Booby Trap now charges 1s (down from 2s) on Property use
  • Shipment drops items equal to its tier again, as well as cross-hero items
  • Atlas Stone is now 6s CD (down from 8s)
  • Model Ship now counts as Aquatic and Vehicle. It now starts Silver-tier with:
    • Shield 20 (from [10/20/40/80].)
    • When you use an adjacent item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s).
  • Apropos Chapeau now starts at Silver-tier with:
    • Shield 25/50/100 (up from 30/60)
    • Adjacent weapons gain 10/20/30 for the fight (up from 10/20 on Shield)
  • Giant Ice Club is now 12s CD (up from 9s) with:
    • Deal 1000 damage (up from 500/1000)
    • The first time you fall below half health each fight, Freeze 1 item for 99 second(s) (down from 100s)
    • When any item gains Freeze, charge this 3/6 seconds (up from 3s)
  • Snow Globe now gains +1 Multicast for each adjacent property
  • Lemonade Stand’s cooldown increased to 6 seconds (up from 5 seconds)
  • Matchbox now starts Bronze-tier at 4 seconds with:
    • Burn 3. (from [--/1/2/4].)
    • When you use another non-Weapon item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from when you use another non-Weapon item, use this.)
  • Landscraper now has a cooldown of 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds) with:
    • Shield equal to this item's value.
    • When you use another item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] seconds (down from [--/2/3/4] seconds.)
    • At the start of each hour, this gains +[--/1/2/3] value (from +1 value.)
  • Vineyard now has a cooldown of 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds) with:
    • Heal equal to this item's value.
    • When you use another item, Charge this [--/1/2/3] seconds. (down from [--/2/3/4] seconds.)
    • At the start of each hour, this gains +[--/1/2/3] value (from +1 value.)
  • Yo-Yo now has a cooldown of 4 seconds (down from 6 seconds) with:
    • Yo-Yo deals 1 damage (from [1/5/10/20])
    • When you use an adjacent item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 3 seconds.)
  • Bushel is now:
    • Heal 20 (from [10/20/40/80].)
    • When you Shield, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)
  • Fort now has a cooldown of 4 seconds with:
    • Shield 20.
    • Enemy item cooldowns are increased by [--/--/1/2] second(s).
    • When you use another item, Charge this [--/--/1/2] second(s).
    • From:
      • When you use an item, Shield [--/--/10/20].
      • Enemy item cooldowns are increased by [--/--1/2] second(s).
  • Marbles now has a cooldown of 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds) with:
    • Slow 2 small items for 2 seconds (from Slow 1 item for [1/2/3/4] second(s).)
    • When you use an adjacent Small item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Windmill now has a cooldown of 4 seconds with:
    • Charge adjacent items 1 second.
    • When you use another item, Charge this 1 second.
    • From:
      • When you use an item, Charge another item 1 second.


  • Coolant now freezes small items only
  • Omega Ray and Gamma Ray now only buff adjacent Burn and Poison items respectively
  • Omega Ray now starts at Silver-tier with:
    • Burn [--/4/6/8] (from [2/4/6/8].)
    • When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Burn items gain +[--/2/3/4] Burn for the fight (from +[1/2/3/4].)
  • Beta Ray now starts at Gold-tier with:
    • Freeze a small item for [--/1/2] seconds (from [1/2/3/4] second(s).)
    • When you use the Core or another Ray, Charge this 1 second (from 2 seconds.)
  • Gamma Ray now starts at Silver-tier with:
    • Poison [--/2/3/4] (from [1/2/3/4].)
    • When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Poison items gain +[--/1/2/3] Poison for the fight (from +[1/2/3/4].)
  • Fork Lift is now spelled Forklift and its Enchantments have been updated:
    • Shielded: Shield 50 for each item to the left of this.
    • Restorative: Heal 75 for each item to the left of this.
    • Toxic: Poison 5 for each item to the left of this.
    • Fiery: Burn 7 for each item to the left of this.
  • Arc Blaster has been enabled:
    • Deal 40 Damage
    • When you use the Core, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 4 seconds.)
  • Fuel Rod has been enabled
  • Isochoric Freezer now starts at Bronze tier, has a cooldown of 4 seconds, and Freezes a Small item for [1/2/3/4] seconds.
  • Rocket Launcher no longer doubles damage while enemy has Burn
  • Cooling Fans now has a reduced cooldown if either player has Burn
  • Dooley’s Scarf has received an updated design:
    • Shield [--/40/80/160].
    • When this or an adjacent item gains Freeze, remove it.
  • Railgun re-enabled
  • Blast Doors re-enabled and is now:
    • 20s CD (up from 10s)
    • Shield [100/200/300/400] (down from [125/250/500/1000])
    • When your opponent uses a Weapon or an item with Burn, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s). (instead of When you would take damage from an item, charge this 2 seconds)
    • The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.
  • Miss Isles now has 1 Max Ammo (down from 3)
  • Cool LEDs is now:
    • Slow an item for 2 seconds (from 1/2/3/4 seconds)
    • When you use the Core, charge this 1/2/3/4 seconds (from “When you use the Core, Slow”)
  • Chemsnail is now:
    • 4s CD (down from 6s)
    • Poison 3/6/9/12 (no change)
    • Slow an item for 1/2/3/4 seconds (from “When you Slow, charge this 3 seconds”)
  • Monitor Lizard now starts at Bronze-tier:
    • 8s CD (up from 6s)
    • Poison 4/6/8/10 (from “Haste an item”)
    • When you Haste, this gains 1/2/3/4 Poison for the fight (from “When you Haste, Poison”)
  • Flamethrower’s cooldown is 5 seconds (down from 6 seconds)
  • Race Carl now starts Silver-tier with:
    • Deal 60 Damage (from [20/40/80/160].)
    • When you Haste, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s).
  • Bomb Squad now has a cooldown of 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds) with:
    • Burn 5 (from [2/4/6/8].)
    • When you use an adjacent Friend, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)
  • Micro Dave is now:
    • Burn 6 (from [3/6/9/12].)
    • When you use a small item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Tesla Coil is now:
    • Deal 60 Damage (from [10/20/40/80] damage.)
    • When you use an adjacent item, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)
  • Bellelista is now:
    • Deal 30 damage (from [20/40/80] damage.)
    • When you Haste, this gains +[--/30/40/50] damage for the fight (from [--/10/20/30] damage.)
    • When this gains Haste, charge this [--/1/2/3] seconds (from 1 second.)
  • Duct Tape is now:
    • Shield [5/10/20/40].
    • Slow 1 item for [1/2/3/4] seconds.
    • When you use an adjacent item, charge this 1 second (from When you use an adjacent item, Shield.)
  • Harmadillo is now:
    • Deal 60 Damage (from [20/40/80/160] Damage.)
    • When you Shield, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)
  • Hammlet is now:
    • Deal 15 Damage (from [--/15/30/60] Damage.])
    • When you Slow, Charge this [1/2/3/4] second(s) (from 1 second.)
  • Solar Farm now has a cooldown of 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds) with:
    • Haste your other items for 2 seconds (from [--/1/2/3] seconds.)
    • Gain 8 Regeneration for the fight (from [--/4/8/12] Regeneration.)
    • When you Burn, Charge this [--/1/2/3] second(s) (from 2 seconds.)


  • Cleaned up extraneous tags with enchantments such as Battery (Deadly) and Waterwheel (Restorative) having the Weapon tag
  • Fixed an issue where Hour 4 would deal incorrect set of options
  • Fixed a bug where item outputs such as damage, shield, and heal could become negative due to reduction effects
  • Fixed a bug where Hakurvian Launcher was missing the Weapon tag
  • Fixed a bug where Pol was appearing on Day 3
  • Fixed a bug where Induction Aegis still counted as a Slow item
  • Fixed a bug where Heat Shield triggered off non-item sources
  • Fixed a bug where Alpha Ray did not count as a Ray
  • Fixed a bug where Dock Lines (Diamond) lost 1 Slow duration compared to previous tiers
  • Fixed a bug where Kukri (Bronze) cost 4 gold instead of 2
  • Fixed a bug where Shoe Blade (Deadly) was missing a tooltip
  • Fixed a bug where Vanessa’s Amulet would not target Weapons
  • Fixed a bug where Beehive would charge all items
  • Fixed a bug where Hydraulic Squeezer (Gold) had a missing tooltip
  • Fixed several bugs with Schematics
  • Fixed several bugs with Cybersecurity
  • Fixed bugs with Virus where its cooldown was 5 seconds at gold and its value was incorrect at Silver
  • Fixed a bug with Black Pepper’s starting tier being Bronze
  • Fixed a bug where Regal Blade (Golden) would not increase the value of stashed items
  • Fixed a bug where selling Scrap Metal would not upgrade Cores in the Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Wand not charging certain items
  • Fixed a bug where Critical Captain would not give Crit Chance to all items
  • Fixed a bug where Blizzard would not Freeze all items
  • Fixed a bug where Heat Shield would stack Burn between fights
  • Fixed a bug where Focused Rage started at Gold-tier and the upgrade did nothing (it is now Diamond-tier starting)
  • Fixed a bug where Big Numbers was not providing Crit Chance at Diamond
  • Fixed a bug with Brawler (Skill) where it would give the player Max Health if the enemy monster or player ghost had the skill
  • Fixed several minor bugs with Capacitor
  • Fixed several minor bugs with Pepper Spray
  • Fixed a bug where Flashbang was only slowing 1 enemy item
  • Fixed a bug where Cryosphere (Heavy) was not Slowing all items except for The Core
  • Fixed a bug where Fuel Rod would not charge both adjacent items
  • Fixed a bug with Plasma Grenade having incorrect burn values
  • Fixed a bug where Motherboard was not triggering correctly
  • Fixed a minor bug with Burn Containment trigger
  • Fixed bugs where Crook could not be enchanted with Heavy, Icy, or Turbo
  • Fixed a bug with Critical Core’s Crit Chance not scaling correctly
  • Fixed a bug where monsters would drop duplicate skills
  • Fixed a bug where the stash chest's collision box was too close to the player board
  • Fixed a bug causing rarity gems and frames to appear only as bronze in the Collectable loadout menu


  • Fixed a number of memory leaks and other optimizations (please note this is still an ongoing effort so not all issues are solved)
  • Fixed an issue where tabbing out while in the payment process with Xsolla would prevent users from typing
  • Updates to the game's sound, music, and voiceover mix
  • Hero characters no longer say their victory or defeat lines if in combat with a non-speaking monster
  • Player skins will always face each other now
  • Loadouts now show the rarity of the premium collectibles
  • Boards now open when opening from chests
  • Fixed bug where no sound plays when hovering Items over the stash chest
  • Resolved issue where some sounds on the end of run screen were inaudible
  • Fixed a bug where the Laser Projectile shoots the middle of the board
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the reroll button when the player didn't have enough gold would unlight the button

Hotfix: December 5, 2024

  • Disabled the following content due to bugs/issues:
    • Blast Doors
    • Fiber Optics
    • Heat Shield
    • Pufferfish
    • Railgun
    • Snowflake
    • Eagle Talisman (Level Up Reward)
    • Frost Street Champion (Encounter)
    • Wandering Shoal (Encounter)

Hotfix: December 3, 2024

  • Disabled the following content due to bugs/issues:
    • Beehive
    • Feather (Level Up Reward)
    • Upgrade an Item (Level Up Reward)
  • Fixed Patch notes error where Blast Door's shielding was incorrected listed.

Patch 0.1.3: December 3, 2024

General Patch Goals

  • Smooth out early-game variance
  • Increase meta diversity by reducing the impact/power of early-game upgrades and persistent item scaling (particularly out-of-combat scaling)
  • Reduce the number of hidden rules in the way the game provides content
  • Slow down the pace of combat in the endgame
  • Reduce the prevalence and power of "instant" infinite loops
  • Adding active effects to some items that currently are passive only
  • Many of these initiatives are ongoing, so expect more in these areas in future patches

New Content

  • Monster Ranch: Encounter that provides Monster Loot items

General Changes

  • Start of Run is now a selection of 4 items (except Dooley, who still has 3 items)
  • Start of Run no longer provides a skill
  • Encounter Frames have been given a facelift
  • Many items' base outputs have changed slightly to have more consistent scaling
  • Enchantments with passive effects now have tooltips describing their effect
  • Rerolls removed from many specialized merchants
  • Level Up (5) is no longer an upgrade, but tier-restricted general upgrades have been added to all Level Ups (other than special levels)
  • Dramatically increased the floor tick rate of Sandstorm to accelerate the end of combat
  • Reduced XP gains from a variety of encounter options
  • Veteran Octopus' Tiny Cutlasses now correctly has Multicast 2
  • Aero (Vehicle Merchant) no longer spawns for Vanessa
  • Zara (Haste/Charge Trainer) no longer spawns for Pygmalien
  • Pol (Large Merchant) no longer spawns on Day 3 and 4
  • Orion (Tool Merchant) no longer spawns on Day 2 and 3 and is slightly rarer
  • Reduced the rate that Serafina (Enchanted Item Merchant) will sell Icy items
  • Pyro (Monster) now has the Fiery skill
  • Boarrior (Monster) loadout slightly adjusted
  • Added Enchantment options to the following items: Busy Bee, Piggles, Citrus, Coconut, Med Kit, Pelt, Gumballs, Bag of Jewels, Spare Change, Snowflake, Vial of Blood, and Gland, Insect Wing, Gunpowder, Nanobots
  • Sparring Partner no longer spawns a Monster encounter but is now considered a regular Encounter (though it is still "combat")
  • Teddy's Crit scaling effect now triggers when your Shield takes damage
  • Meditation (Level Up) now gives 1 XP instead of 2
  • Coolant Leak (Skill) now triggers 5 times instead of 10
  • Stout Fire (Skill) is now "When you gain Burn, gain [--/3/6/9] Regeneration and increase the damage of your Weapons by [--/3/6/9] for this fight."
  • Arms Dealer (Skill) is now "When you sell a Weapon, gain [10/20/30/40] Max Health." (No longer triggers on Buy)
  • Augmented Weaponry (Skill) is now "Your Weapons have +1 Damage. When you sell a small item, increase this bonus by +[1/2/3/4] Damage."
  • Augmented Defenses (Skill) is now "Your items have +1 Shield. When you sell a small item, increase this bonus by +[1/2/3/4] shield."
  • Knife Set now deals [10/20/40/80] damage (from [5/15/30/50]) and Charges on Weapon use but no longer deals damage on use
  • Vial of Blood now starts at Silver-tier, giving [1/2/3] XP instead of [1/2/3/4]
  • Defensive Stance (Skill) is now "When you use a Weapon, give your Shield items +[--/3/6/9] Shield for the fight."
  • Lifting (Skill) is now "Your Weapons have +1 damage. When you buy a Weapon, increase this bonus by +[--/1/2/3] damage."
  • Lord Arken has commissioned upgrades to The Eclipse. It now deals 100 damage on item use and has "The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this."
  • Magic Carpet is now a Vehicle
  • Electrified Hull (Skill) is now "The first 5 times you Shield each fight, Charge an item +[--/--/1/2] seconds."
  • Sabotage (Skill) is now "The first 5 times you use a Tool each fight, Slow a random item for [--/--/1/2] seconds."
  • Feather is now "When you sell this, reduce your items' cooldowns by [2/4/6/8]%."
  • Sharp Corners (skill) is now "When you shield, give your Weapons +[--/3/6/9] damage for the fight."
  • Boilerroom Brawler no longer has Hammer and Wrench due to bugs, temporarily replaced by Orbital Polisher and Goggles

Disabled Items

  • Life Preserver and Luxury Tents disabled due to bugs
  • Dabora remains disabled pending redesign
  • Schematics, Bootstraps, Hammer and Wrench disabled due to bugs
  • Other items previously disabled have returned

Vanessa Redesigns

  • Ballista no longer triggers its own Multicast scaling
  • Cutlass now correctly has Multicast 2
  • Clamera is no longer a Tool
  • Repeater passive is changed to "When you use another item with Ammo, Charge this 3 seconds."
  • Throwing Knives passive is changed to " When you Crit, Charge this 1 second.", cooldown has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds
  • Captain's Wheel passive is changed to "When you use a Vehicle or Large item, Charge this 2 seconds."
  • Pufferfish now Poisons [3/6/9/12] on a 6-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you Haste, charge this 3 seconds."
  • Alacrity now Charges [1/2] seconds instead of [2/3] seconds
  • Jellyfish now gains Haste when an adjacent Aquatic item is used instead of any Aquatic item
  • Inexorable (Skill) is now "Your items have +2% Crit chance. When you start a fight, increase this bonus by +[--/2/4/6]%."
  • Port now reloads 1 ammo at all tiers and spawns mostly Vanessa items at one tier lower than itself
  • Trebuchet is now "Deal [25/50/100/200] damage, Burn [8/12/16/20]. When you use a Weapon or Haste, Charge this 1 second."
  • Pearl now Shields [10/20/30/40] on a 5-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you use another Aquatic item, Charge this 1 second."
  • Fishing Rod now Hastes the Aquatic item to the right
  • Lighthouse now Burns [--/--/12/20] on a 6-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you Slow, Charge this 3 seconds."
  • Waterwheel now Hastes your other items [--/1/2/3] seconds on a 6-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you use an adjacent item, Charge this 3 seconds."
  • Heated Shells (Skill) now starts at Silver-tier and is "When you use an Ammo item, Burn [--/2/3/4]."
  • Astrolabe is now "Shield [--/20/40/80]. When you use another non-Weapon item, Haste it for [--/1/2/3] seconds."
  • Iron Sharpens Iron (Skill) is now "Your leftmost item has +2 damage. When you buy a Weapon, increase this bonus by [2/3/4/5]."
  • Flurry of Blows (Skill) is now "The first 5 times you use a Weapon each fight, Charge an item +[--/--/1/2] seconds."
  • Bullet Time (Skill) is now "The first 5 times you use an Ammo item each fight, Slow a random item for [--/--1/2] seconds."

Pygmalien Redesigns

  • Beast of Burden now deals [20/40/80/160] damage (from [10/10/10/10]), scaling is now +[10/20/30/40] damage (down from [10/20/40/80])
  • Regal Blade now deals [10/20/40/80] damage (from [10/10/10/10]), scaling is now +[10/20/30/40] damage (down from [10/20/40/80])
  • Open for Business (Skill) now counts Properties in Stash
  • Cash Register now spawns only 2 Spare Change per day (down from 3)
  • Yo-yo now Charges itself [--/2/2/2] seconds when an adjacent item is used, instead of force use, now deals [1/5/10/20] damage from [1/5/10/15] and cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Loupe and Billboard now gives items bonus value at the start of each day, instead of passive
  • Vineyard now Heals on a 6-second cooldown and Charges itself [--/2/3/4] seconds on item use
  • Landscraper now Shields on a 6-second cooldown and Charges itself [--/2/3/4] seconds on item use
  • Beehive now Charges all Busy Bees [--/2/2/2] seconds on enemy Weapon use
  • Bushel passive is changed to "When you Shield, Charge this 2 seconds." No longer gives Shielding on Heal.
  • Marbles now Slows 1 item [1/2/3/4] on a 3-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you use an adjacent Small item, Charge this 1 second." It no longer Slows on adjacent item use
  • Shipment spawns mostly Pygmalien items at one tier lower than itself
  • Kukri is now "Deal [5/10/20/40] damage. When you heal, give this +[3/6/9/12] damage for the fight."
  • Crook now buffs Medium items only, dealing and buffing [10/20/40]
  • Endurance (Skill) is now "When you use a Weapon, give your Healing items +[--/10/20/30] Healing for the fight."
  • Trader (Skill) is now "At the start of each day, give your items +[--/--/1/2] value."
  • Makeshift Plate (Skill) is now "Your items have +1 Shield for every [--/4/3/2] gold you have."

Dooley Redesigns

  • Bunker now only triggers off item damage (no longer triggers off Sandstorm, Poison, or Burn)
  • Machine Learning (Skill) now costs 6 gold at all tiers
  • Capacitor now starts at Silver-tier at 7/6/5s cooldown (from 10/9/8/7)
  • Harmadillo now deals damage [20/40/80/160] on use, and passive is changed to "When you Shield, Charge this 2 seconds." Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Arc Blaster now deals damage [20/40/80/160] on use, and passive is changed to "When you use the Core, Charge this 4 seconds."
  • Bomb Squad passive is changed to "When you use an adjacent Friend, Charge this 2 seconds." It no longer Hastes items
  • Flamethrower now deals 1x/2x its damage as Burn instead of 2x/3x
  • Ice 9000 now Poisons and Freezes on use, it also buffs its own Poison when you Freeze, but no longer Poisons on Freeze
  • Burning Shield (skill) is now "The first time you fall below half health each fight, Shield equal [--/--/to/ to double] the total Burn of your items."
  • Fuel Rod now Burns both players [5/10/15/20] (up from [2/4/6/8]) and Hastes adjacent items with an 8s cooldown. It also reduces the cooldown of adjacent Vehicles by [5/10/15/20]%.
  • First Aiden now starts at Bronze-tier, Healing for [10/20/40/80] and Hastes another item on a 3-second cooldown, and no longer Heals on Haste
  • Race Carl now starts at Bronze-tier, deals damage [20/40/80/160] on use, and passive is changed to "When you Haste, Charge this 2 seconds."
  • Induction Aegis now starts at Bronze-tier and Burns for [1/2/3/5] and Shields for [5/10/20/40] at a 4-second cooldown and no longer Slows adjacent items
  • Tesla Coil now starts at Bronze-tier, now damages [10/20/40/80] on a 5-second cooldown and passive is changed to "When you use an adjacent item, Charge this 2 seconds."
  • Weakpoint Detector's self-Charge is now at 2s at all tiers (from [1/2/3/4] seconds)
  • Cores' cooldown reduced from 7 to 6 seconds with minor adjustments to base output scaling
  • Blast Door is now "Shield [125/250/500/1000] and "When you take damage from an item, Charge this 2 seconds" and "The first time you fall below half of your Max Health, use this."
  • Pyrocarbon is now "Shield [--/--/75/150]. When you gain Burn, Haste your items for [1/2] seconds."
  • Chemsnail now has an active of Poison [3/6/9/12] on a six-second cooldown and Charges itself on Slow
  • Alpha Ray, Beta Ray, Omega Ray and Gamma Ray now counts additional copies of themselves
  • Illusoray and Shark Ray count as Rays for Alpha Ray, Beta Ray, Omega Ray and Gamma Ray
  • Railgun now Charges off Rays as well, including Illusoray and Shark Ray
  • Alpha Ray now starts at Bronze-tier
  • Beta Ray now Charges itself instead of giving itself Haste on Core/Ray use
  • Omega Ray now starts at Bronze-tier
  • Gamma Ray now starts at Bronze-tier and buffs all Poison items
  • Solar Farm now has a six-second cooldown (down from 8s) and gives Regeneration in addition to Haste on use. It now Charges when you Burn instead of having reduced cooldown while you Burn.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where certain Enchantments on unowned items did not accurately display their effects on their tooltips
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes people would not die
  • Fixed a bug where certain interactions bypassed the internal cooldown of effect triggers
  • Fixed a visual bug with several Enchantments effects not persisting in the stash
  • Fixed a bug with Kina (non-Weapon merchant) had a very small chance of supplying Weapons and Enchanted items
  • Fixed a bug with Aerodrome where it could be rerolled even if you had not enough Gold
  • Fixed a bug with Cog where it would Haste more than 1 item per use
  • Fixed a bug with Pistol Sword (Deadly) where it provided 50% Crit Chance on ammo used instead of 5%
  • Fixed a bug with Crow's Nest (Deadly) where it was not increasing Crit damage of Weapons.
  • Fixed a bug with Neophiliac where it was only targeting Ammo items
  • Fixed a bug with Waterwheel where it was not providing Haste on non-Aquatic items
  • Fixed a bug with Waterwheel (Restorative) where it gained the Weapon tag
  • Fixed a bug with Harpoon (Turbo) where it gained the Tool tag
  • Fixed a bug with Figurehead (Shiny) where it was not working correctly
  • Fixed a bug with Chronobarrier where it was increasing cooldowns by 0.5/1 second instead of 1/2 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug with Chronobarrier where it was increasing cooldown permanently
  • Fixed a bug with Friends with Benefits' Friends buff giving Crit Chance to items that can't Crit
  • Fixed a bug with Dragon Whelp (Restorative) where it was not working correctly
  • Fixed a bug where Old Sword's On Sell effect would not work from the stash
  • Fixed a bug where Knee Brace (Shiny) was not giving double Max Health gain
  • Fixed a bug with Power Drill where it counted as a Burn item
  • Fixed a bug where Machine Learning (Skill) was not spawning
  • Fixed a bug with Toxin Injector (Skill) and Quick Ignition (Skill) only affecting specific items
  • Fixed a bug with Pendulum incorrectly having a cooldown and an active effect
  • Fixed a bug with Pulse Rifle incorrectly having a different cooldown at Silver-tier
  • Fixed a bug with Clamera slowing for 2 seconds at Diamond-tier
  • Fixed a bug with Alacrity triggering 6 times instead of 5
  • Fixed a bug with Piggles where it would not spawn Piggles for non-Pygmalien Heroes
  • Fixed a bug with Yellow Piggles L giving +Shield to all items to the left
  • Fixed a bug with Dooley's Scarf showing its tooltip twice
  • Fixed a bug where Enchanted Vanessa's Amulet incorrectly counted as a Weapon
  • Fixed a bug with Enchanted Upgrade Hammer, Hammer, Wrench and Bootstraps not Enchanting the item they upgraded
  • Fixed a bug with the Car Conductor monster not spawning in normal combat hour
  • Fixed a bug with Rocket Launcher (Fiery) counting as a Friend
  • Fixed a bug with Flamberge being priced as a legendary item
  • Fixed a bug with Companion Core hasting itself
  • Fixed a bug with Heat Shield (Skill) where it was incorrectly applying Burn
  • Fixed a bug where Palanquin would gain the Weapon tag when Enchanted
  • Fixed a bug where Ice Cubes would Freeze a random enemy item (of any size) if an adjacent Food was used

Hotfix: November 20, 2024

  • Disabled the following items:
    • All Level Up Options that Upgrade Specific Item Types (except the Core)
    • Harmadillo (Item)
    • Arms Dealer (Skill)
    • Crook (Item)
    • Yo-yo (Item)
    • Iron Sharpens Iron (Skill)
    • Dabora (Encounter)
    • Regal Blade (Item)

Hotfix: November 14, 2024

  • Corrected an issue where multitarget effects only affected one item
  • Disabled the following content due to bugs/issues:
    • Like Clockwork (Skill)
    • Sponsorship (Level Up Option)
    • Awakened District (Monster)
    • Bloodreef Captain (Monster)
    • Balcony (Item)

Patch 0.1.2: November 13, 2024

  • Added the Sparring Partner Encounter that challenges your build's performance
  • Added a variety of new skills
  • Added a variety of new Level Up options
  • Art has been updated for a variety of encounters
  • Level Up Rewards System adjusted: Conditional level up spawning removed (people don't have to sell unwanted items early anymore to try to avoid dud level up rewards), level up will now show 5 options instead of 3.
  • Level Up reward for Level 5 is now a fixed "Upgrade your Leftmost Item" (the same as Level 10)
  • Bloodreef Raider now starts with Crow's Nest (Silver Tier) instead of Crow's Nest (Gold Tier)
  • Significantly increased the rate of combat from the Mountain Pass event
  • Sponsorship, Cache of Riches, and Regenerative Tincture now scale with player level
  • Sponsorship is now available to all Heroes
  • Deadly Crooner now has a Haladie instead of a Yo-yo
  • Jules' Cafe options no longer cost Gold
  • Backup Defenses now shields based on player Max Health and starts at Gold Tier
  • Knife Tricks now reduces a Weapon's cooldown by 5% when you use it and starts at Diamond Tier
  • Shipwreck now starts at Diamond Tier (with +1 Multicast)
  • Clamera now Slows for 1 second (down from 2 seconds)
  • Swash Buckle (Deadly) now provides double Crit Chance bonus
  • Swash Buckle (Shiny) now provides double Damage, Heal, and Shield bonus
  • All of Dooley's Starting Cores now start at a 7-second cooldown, which does not decrease on upgrade (they were previously at 8 seconds, though there were some inconsistencies)
  • Robotics Factory now starts at Diamond Tier (with +1 Multicast)
  • Combat Core now counts as a Vehicle in addition to being a Core and a Weapon
  • Critical Core (Deadly) now gives +50% Crit Chance instead of doubling its Crit Damage
  • Bellelista base damage increased to 20 (up from 10) and cooldown reduced to 5 seconds (down from 6)
  • Weakpoint Detector's damage buff increased to [3/6/9/12] from [2/3/4/5]
  • Chemsnail has gained "Slow an item for [1/2/3/4] seconds" at 6s CD, Poison on Slow reduced to [1/2/3/5] from [1/2/4/8]
  • Harmadillo's "When you Shield" effect now deals damage equal to its Shield value
  • Pierre Conditioner now starts at Diamond Tier
  • Omega Ray now starts at Silver Tier instead of Gold Tier
  • Pulse Rifle now starts at Bronze Tier instead of Silver Tier, dealing [10/30/60/100] damage; its cooldown has increased to 4s from 3s; and the Multicast effect now doubles if the Friend is your only Friend
  • Power Drill now deals [20/40/80/160] damage and "When you Haste, Slow, Freeze, Poison or Burn, charge this [1/1/1/2] seconds"
  • Monitor Lizard now starts at Bronze Tier
  • Like Clockwork now gives your Weapons damage and gives double damage if you have a Core that is a Weapon
  • Fork Lift now deals [50/100] damage from [30/60] for each item to the left of it
  • Kinetic Cannon now gains [10/20/40] damage from [20/30/40] for the fight when you use a small item
  • Railgun has been redesigned: it now deals [100/200] damage and is charged [1/2] seconds when you use the Core
  • Scrap Metal now starts at Gold Tier
  • Beta Ray now only Freezes small items
  • Luxury Tent multicast no longer scales to +2 at Diamond
  • Luxury Tent (Restorative) fixed
  • Uwashiwali Bird Healing increased to [10/30/60/100] (previously [5/15/30/50]) and its Multicast effect is now +1 Multicast instead of +2 Multicast
  • Beehive no longer uses all Busy Bees on enemy weapon use; instead, it uses 1 Busy Bee on any enemy item use
  • Brass Knuckles second effect is now "This has double damage" instead of "While this has 40 or more damage, this has +1 Multicast"
  • Loupe now starts at Gold Tier
  • Golf Clubs cooldown increased to 7 seconds from 6 seconds
  • Crook damage and damage bonus reduced to [10/20/40] from [10/20/50]
  • Caltrops now starts at Diamond Tier
  • Beast of Burden damage and damage bonus reduced to [10/20/40/80] from [10/25/50/100]
  • Balcony value effect now only triggers in combat
  • Signet Ring now starts Silver Tier instead of Gold Tier
  • Giant Ice Club now has "When any item gains Freeze, Charge this [1/2] second(s)" (from "If your enemy has a Frozen item, this deals double damage")
  • Endurance now gives your Heal items +[20/30] Heal for the fight when you use a Weapon and starts at Gold Tier
  • Vineyard has been redesigned: it now Heals [1/2/3] times its value when you use an item
  • Landscraper has been redesigned: it now Shields [1/2/3] times its value when you use an item
  • Model Ship (Deadly) now gives adjacent items 20% Crit Chance for the fight when you use them
  • Your properties now lose value when you lose a fight with Stained Glass Window
  • Hammer damage increased to [20/40/80] (previously [20/30/40]) and its upgrade effect now targets the item to the left
  • Necronomicon now inflicts Poison 3 and gives Regen 3 per trigger instead of 1 each
  • Dragon Whelp (Restorative) is now "Heal equal to this item's damage"
  • Beach Ball, Cannonball, and Schematics can now be Deadly
  • Enchanted versions of Scrap Metal, Hammer and Wrench now correctly state they will add the Enchantment to the item they upgrade instead of providing other effects
  • Fixed an issue with player ghosts being buffed at the start of combat
  • Fixed a bug where enchanted items could lose their buffs when upgraded
  • Fixed a bug where enchanting an item could cause the item to lose their buffs
  • Items are only purchased now when you click them or drag them to the Stash or Carpet
  • The last game mode run will be the one selected when you enter the Hero Select Screen
  • Corrected a number of tag-related issues with items counting as the wrong thing in some cases
  • Audio no longer plays for each missing win in the end of run sequence
  • New confirmation prompt in the gem buying flow when you are short on gems
  • Legendary Rank number now properly updates when you return to the Main Menu
  • Items that have new projectiles after being enchanted are properly animating now
  • The default carpet has changed and should not be found in chests
  • Settings Menu now appears in front of Gems Purchasing Screen when the escape button is pressed
  • Fixed a bug with Shadowed Cloak not showing a tooltip
  • Fixed a bug with Advanced Synthetics not showing a tooltip
  • Fixed a bug where Magic Carpet damage buff persisted beyond the fight
  • Fixed a bug where buying DJ Rob0t at Gold/Diamond Tiers did not spawn items (this fix also means it will spawn Nanobots at all tiers and no longer upgrades existing Nanobots)
  • Fixed a bug with Bushel Heavy, Turbo, and Icy enchantments where it was not the correct timing (should be "When you Heal")
  • Fixed a bug where Hakurvian Launcher counted as a Heal item
  • Fixed a bug with Cash Register (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Cash Cannon (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Beehive (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Business Card (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Monocle (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug with Schematic (Golden) effect not working from Stash
  • Fixed a bug where Makeshift Barricade slowing all enemy items instead of the specified amount
  • Fixed a bug with Radiant not working on 5 items (Robe, Schematics, Piggles, Pygmalien's Dagger, Teddy)
  • Fixed a bug where items that destroy themselves stopped the item's effects from triggering other effects
  • Fixed a bug where Forage sometimes didn't spawn 4 items when you had a Friend
  • Fixed a bug where Vengeance at Diamond Tier was giving 55% reduced cooldowns instead of 15%
  • Fixed a bug where some of Dooley's Cores could not be enchanted by Radiant
  • Corrected a tooltip issue with Bill Dozer where it claimed to be reducing CDs by [20/30/40]% when it is actually [10/20/30]%
  • Corrected a tooltip issue with Angry Balloon Bot where it claimed to trigger on Shield break: it now reads "When you lose Shield, this gains damage equal to [-/10/20/40]% of the Shield lost."
  • Clarified Atlatl second effect tooltip to say that it is the damage it has, not the damage it does
  • Clarified Virus tooltip to say that it doesn't destroy itself
  • Fishing Net and other item spawners will no longer stop spawning their items when you have a Diamond copy of the item being spawned
  • The following items and skill tooltips now support upgrade previews: Gatling Gun, Finesse Shield, Barnacle Crusted, Poppy Field, Toolbox, Long Strides, Vengeance. Please note: Previews are a work in progress and better support is coming.
  • Dam VFX are now animating properly
  • Barbed Wire price fixed
  • Idle VO is now Forja instead of default hero VO when players are inside of the Forja Encounter

Patch 0.1.1: November 4, 2024

  • Skyscraper and Spacescraper scaling reduced and CDs increased
  • Stained Glass Window now only doubles the value of the item to the right
  • Dam no longer destroys large and medium items; instead, it destroys all enemy small items and slows all enemy medium items
  • Throwing Knives now requires a different item to crit for its force-use trigger
  • Blunderbuss now charges instead of uses on Burn, but deals more damage
  • Swash Buckle's damage bonus scaling no longer increases with tier
  • Globe enchantment timings updated to 'start of fight' effects instead of 'start of day' permanent buffs
  • Vanessa's Amulet enchantment timings updated to 'start of fight' instead of an on-use trigger
  • Momma-Saur (renamed from Dinonysus) can no longer destroy large items
  • The Docks no longer offer Skills as rewards, but gives items instead
  • Adjusted some Dooley Core skills to be less damage-Core specific
  • Many other various smaller fixes and adjustments
  • Adjusted a number of tooltips for clarity
  • Fixed a variety of targeting issues
  • Fixed a variety of items that should have worked from the Stash
  • Fixed a variety of encounter options that were not counting items in the Stash
  • Fixed a variety of enchantment issues where enchantments didn't work as described
  • Fixed a variety of hint system errors
  • Fixed an issue where Radiant was not functioning correctly
  • Fixed a bug where Stained Glass Window counted as a Shield item
  • Fixed a bug where Dam counted as a Freeze item
  • Fixed a bug where the item being triggered by Windmill could target itself
  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Greatsword's damage bonus from burn persisted beyond the fight
  • Fixed a bug where Pet Rock buffed your items from the Stash
  • Fixed a bug where Initial Chill triggered more than once per fight
  • Fixed a bug where BazaarCON offered a strange encounter option
  • Fixed a bug where Void Colossus displayed the wrong art
  • Fixed a bug where Mountain Pass' "risky" option after Day 2 was always "uneventful"
  • Fixed a bug where Flashy Mechanic was not functioning correctly
  • Fixed a bug where Deed's combat value gain was not functioning correctly
  • Fixed a bug with Skyscraper where it was increasing its own value in combat more than intended
  • Fixed a critical issue where "Party Like It's 011111001111" was incorrectly written as "Party Like It's 11111001111"