Jules Skills

SpriteNameEffectsStarting TierTypes
Icon Skill Alacrity.pngAlacrityThe first 5 times you Crit each fight, charge an item Charge.png2.0 / 3.0 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill ArtillerySpotter.pngArtillery SpotterIf you have 4 or fewer items, your items have +10 / 20% Crit Chance.Gold
Icon Skill BalanceSpecialist.pngBalanced SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% crit chance if you have 2 or more medium items.Silver
Icon Skill BalanceWorkout.pngBalanced WorkoutYou have +?Max Health for each Medium item you have.Bronze
Icon Skill BigNumbers.pngBig NumbersYour large items have +20 / 40% crit chanceSilver
Icon Skill Bloodhound.pngBloodhoundThe first time your opponent falls below half health each fight, Charge your items Charge.png1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill BoldUnderPressure.pngBold Under PressureThe first time you fall below half health each fight, Haste your items Haste.png2 / 4 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill BuildingCrescendo.pngBuilding CrescendoWhen you use an item, your items gain 10 / 15% crit chance for the fight.
Your items have 50% less crit chance.
Icon Skill BurningShield.pngBurning ShieldYour rightmost item has +10 / 20 / 30 Shield if it is a Shield item and +3 / 6 / 9 Burn if it is a Burn item.Silver
Icon Skill CaptainsCharge.pngCaptain's ChargeThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Haste adjacent items for Haste.png4 / 8 / 12 second(s).Silver
Icon Skill ClosingSpeed.pngClosing SpeedYour rightmost item has its cooldown reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill ConcentratedDefense.pngConcentrated DefenseYour highest Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill ConcentratedFirepower.pngConcentrated FirepowerYour highest damage weapon deals +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill ConcentratedFlame.pngConcentrated FlameYour highest Burn item has +4 / 7 / 10 / 13 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ConcentratedVenom.pngConcentrated VenomYour highest poison item has +2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Poison.Bronze
Icon Skill Conflagration.pngConflagrationWhen you use an item with Burn, that item gains 1 / 2 Burn for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill CoolantLeak.pngCoolant LeakThe first 10 times you use your rightmost item, freeze 1 item for Freeze.png1 / 2 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill DeadlyEye.pngDeadly EyeYour Weapons have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skills Defender.pngDefenderYou have +? / ? / ? / ? Health and your Shield items have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 %.Bronze
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngDelayed BurnYour slowest Burn item has + Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill DesperateStrike.pngDesperate StrikeWhile you have less health than your opponent, your items gain 15 / 25% Crit Chance.Gold
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngDessertYour rightmost item with Joy has + Joy.Bronze
Icon Skill EmergencyBurn.pngEmergency BurnThe first time you fall below half health each fight, Burn Burn.png10 / 15 / 20 / 25.Bronze
Icon Skill Fiery.pngFieryYour Burn items have +1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FinalFlame.pngFinal FlameYour rightmost Burn item has +4 / 6 / 8 / 10 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FinesseWeapon.pngFinesse WeaponWhen your Weapons gain Haste, if it already has Haste, it gains +Poison.png6 damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill FirstDegreeBurn.pngFirst Degree BurnsYour Small Burn items have +1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill FirstFlames.pngFirst FlamesThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Burn Burn.png5 / 10 / 15 / 20.Bronze
Icon Skill FirstStrike.pngFirst StrikeYour items have +30 / 50% Crit Chance.
When you use an item, all your items lose 10% crit chance for the fight.
Icon Skill FlankingCriticals.pngFlanking CriticalsThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Adjacent items gain 15 / 20 / 25% Crit Chance for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill FlankingFire.pngFlanking FireThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Adjacent items gain 7 / 10 / 13 Burn for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill FlankingShots.pngFlanking ShotsThe first time you use a Large item each fight, adjacent weapons gain 15 / 30 / 50 Damage for the fight.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill FlashyMechanic.pngFlashy MechanicWhen you use a Tool, items adjacent to it gain 5 / 10% Crit chance.GoldTool
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngFood ComaWhen you use a food, slow it for Slow.png2 / 2 seconds and give it 10 joy for the fight.GoldFood
Icon Skill FrontalShielding.pngFrontal ShieldingYour leftmost Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill Frostfire.pngFrostfireThe first time you Burn each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill FireAccelerant.pngFrozen FlamesWhen your items gain Freeze, Burn Burn.png4 / 8 / 12 / 16.Bronze
Icon Skill FrozenShot.pngFrozen ShotWhen you use your slowest weapon, freeze a smaller item for Freeze.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill GreaseFire.pngGrease FireWhen you use a tool, Burn Burn.png3 / 5.GoldTool
Icon Skill Hearty.pngHeartyYou have +? Max Health.Bronze
Icon Skill HeavyFirepower.pngHeavy FirepowerYour slowest weapon has +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill HeavyWeaponry.pngHeavy WeaponryYour Large Weapons deal +12 / 36 / 72 / 120 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill HonedArcenal.pngHoned ArsenalYour items have +% Crit Chance per Weapon you have.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill HonedStrike.pngHoned StrikeWhen you Crit with an item, it gains +5 / 10% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill HotSpot.pngHot SpotWhen you use your leftmost item, Burn Burn.png2 / 3 / 4.Silver
Icon Skill FireStarter.pngImmolating SparkYour leftmost Burn item has +4 / 6 / 8 / 10 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ImprovisedBurn.pngImprovised BurnWhen you Crit, your Burn items gain 2 / 3 Burn for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill ImprovisedProtection.pngImprovised ProtectionWhen you Crit, your Shield items gain 10 / 20 Shield for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill ImprovisedWeaponry.pngImprovised WeaponryWhen you Crit, your weapons gain 10 / 20 Damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill InitialChill.pngInitial ChillThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png4 / 6 / 8 / 10 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill InvigoratingCold.pngInvigorating ColdThe first time you freeze each fight, Haste your items for Haste.png3 / 5 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill IronSharpensIron.pngIron Sharpens IronAt the start of each fight, permanently give all your weapons +1 / 2 / 3 / 5 damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill KeenEye.pngKeen EyeYour items have +3 / 6 / 9 / 12% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill KnifeTricks.pngKnife TricksWhen you use a weapon, reduce its cooldown by 5% for the fight.DiamondWeapon
Icon Skill LargeAppetites.pngLarge AppetitesIf you have 4 or fewer items, you have +? Max Health.Gold
Icon Skill LargeItemSpecialist.pngLarge Item SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% Crit Chance if you have a large item.Silver
Icon Skill LeftEyeDominant.pngLeft EyeYour leftmost item has +5 / 10 / 15 / 20% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill LeftHanded.pngLeft-HandedYour leftmost Weapon deals +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill STE LeftyLoosey.pngLefty LooseyWhen you use your leftmost item, Haste an item for Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill Lifting.pngLiftingWhen you buy a Weapon, give your other Weapons +3 / 6 / 9 damage.SilverWeapon
Icon Skill LivingFlame.pngLiving FlameThe first time you fall below half health each fight, your Burn items have their cooldowns reduced by 50% for the fight.Diamond
Icon Skill MiddleOfThePack.pngMiddle of the PackYour Medium items have their cooldowns reduced by 2 / 4 / 6 / 8%.Bronze
Icon Skill MixedMessage.pngMixed MessageWhen you use a non-Weapon item, a Weapon gains Haste for Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill MultiTargetLock.pngMulti-Target LockYour Small items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill NoisyCricket.pngNoisy CricketYour fastest weapon has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill PeacefulEye.pngPeaceful EyeYour Non-Weapon items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill PolePosition.pngPole PositionYour leftmost item has its cooldown reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickDefenses.pngQuick DefensesYour Shield items have their cooldowns reduced by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickFix.pngQuick FixYour Non-Weapon items with cooldowns greater than 10 seconds have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 second(s).Gold
Icon Skill QuickFreeze.pngQuick FreezeThe first time you Haste each fight, Freeze an item for Freeze.png3 / 4 / 5 / 6 second(s).Bronze
Icon Skill QuickIgnition.pngQuick IgnitionAt the start of each fight, Haste your burn items for Haste.png2 second(s).Diamond
Icon Skill RapidProtection.pngQuick ProtectionYour fastest Shield item has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill QuickDraw.pngQuicken WeaponsYour Weapons with cooldowns greater than 10 seconds have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 second(s).GoldWeapon
Icon Skill Re-Tooled.pngRe-TooledYour leftmost Tool has Multicast.DiamondTool
Icon Skill ReachingTheSummit.pngReaching the SummitWhen you Freeze, your items gain +2 / 4% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill RearShielding.pngRear ShieldingYour rightmost Shield item has +5 / 15 / 30 / 50 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill RedEnvelope.pngRed EnvelopeWhen you buy this, gain 10.0 gold.Bronze
Icon Skill RightEyeDominant.pngRight EyeYour rightmost item has +5 / 10 / 15 / 20% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill RightHanded.pngRight-HandedYour rightmost Weapon has +4 / 12 / 24 / 40 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill ScopedShot.pngScoped ShotYour Medium items have +4 / 6 / 8 / 10% Crit chance.Bronze
Icon Skill SearingBlade.pngSearing BladeYour leftmost item has +10 / 20 / 30 Damage if it is a Weapon and +3 / 6 / 9 Burn if it is a Burn item.Silver
Icon Skill SecondDegreeBurns.pngSecond Degree BurnsYour Medium Burn items have +2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill Shatter.pngShatterWhen you freeze, give your Weapons +10 / 15 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill SlowBurn.pngSlow BurnYour slowest Burn item has +5 / 7 / 9 / 11 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill SmallGains.pngSmall GainsYou have +? / ? / ? / ? Max Health for each small item you have.Bronze
Icon Skill SmallSpecialist.pngSmall Item SpecialistYour items have +5 / 10 / 15% crit chance if you have 4 or more small items.Silver
Icon Skill SmallWeaponry.pngSmall WeaponryYour Small Weapons deal +3 / 9 / 18 / 30 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Speed.pngSpeedYour items have their cooldowns reduced by 2 / 3 / 4 / 5%.Bronze
Icon Skill StandardOrdinance.pngStandard OrdnanceYour Medium Weapons deal +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill SteadyDefender.pngSteady DefenderYour slowest Shield item has +6 / 18 / 36 / 60 Shield.Bronze
Icon Skill StoutFire.pngStout FireYou have +? / ? / ? Health and your Burn items have their cooldowns reduced by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4%.Silver
Icon Skill Strenght.pngStrengthYour Weapons deal +2 / 6 / 12 / 20 Damage.BronzeWeapon
Icon Skill Placeholder.pngSurrounded by JoyThe first time you use a Large item each fight, Adjacent items gain 15.0 Joy for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill TableSetting.pngTable SettingYour leftmost Weapon has +20 / 40 damage.
Your rightmost Weapon has its cooldown reduced by 5 / 10%.
Icon Skill Tempering.pngTemperingWhen you use a weapon, give it +3 / 6 / 9 damage for the fight.Silver
Icon Skill TheBestDefence.pngThe Best DefenseWhen you use a weapon, give weapons adjacent to it +4 / 8 damage for the fight.GoldWeapon
Icon Skill ThirdDegreeBurns.pngThird Degree BurnsYour Large Burn items have +4 / 8 / 12 / 16 Burn.Bronze
Icon Skill ToolsOFTheTrade.pngTools of the TradeWhen you use a tool, a Tool gains haste for Haste.png1 / 2 second(s).GoldTool
Icon Skill TracerFire.pngTracer FireWhen you burn, your items gain +2 / 3% Crit Chance for the fight.Gold
Icon Skill VengefulStrike.pngVengeful StrikeYour Weapons' Cooldowns are reduced by %.Silver
Icon Skill Warrior.pngWarriorYour Weapons deal +1 / 3 / 6 / 10 Damage.
You have +? Max Health.
Icon Skill STE WorkinHard.pngWorkin' HardYour weapons have + Damage for each Tool you have.GoldWeapon, Tool